----- Original Message -----
From: Ture Sjolander
To: divorce@wilentz.com
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 10:26 PM
Subject: Attention: Risa Kleiner

Hi Risa,
Hope you are fine!
In accordance to american law and to the court document as below this case must still be active.
Are you really sure about the information you gave me 2 years ago is correct, that this case is closed?

----- Original Message -----
From: Kleiner, Risa
To: turesjolander@hotmail.com
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 1:13 AM
Subject: your email

Good morning -  Your email was forwarded to me.  It is difficult to believe
that 10 years have passed since we obtained that court order from Judge
Feinberg.  It is also sad that you have not been able to secure any contact
with your son in all that time.  While the court order has not expired, the
FBI has long since stopped pursuing this matter.  In that sense, the case is
closed for them. If your son were to be located, the NJ order could still be
Although you can always pursue legal action against your wife
should you locate her, it is unlikely that, after 10 years, you could win a
custody battle against her.  Your son is now old enough to have a voice in
his custody and, sadly, he does not know you. 
 Also, no matter what she has
done, she is his mother and all the negative publicity you have spread about
her is not likely to sit well with him. 
Perhaps it is time to move on with your life and hope that one day your son
will voluntarily seek you out.  
I wish you good luck. Your art work still hangs in my study and, in that
regard, your case stays in my mind.

Risa A. Kleiner, Esq.
Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer
90 Woodbridge Center Drive
Woodbridge, NJ 07095

----- Original Message -----
From: Ture Sjolander
To: Kleiner, Risa
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: your email

Thanks for your expected view, and contribution to my web sites.
My aims are very different from yours. Its not about a  custody battle at all, its a display of  legal stupidity, religious insanity and gender wars. Such publicity, I consider to be the noblest of human endeavors.
Thanks for your attention and information...
Ture Sjolander

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 8:44 PM
Subject: H.E. Ruth Pearce Ambassador

Can I travel to the Philippines without being a subject for assassination?
Can I see my kidnapped son in the Philippines, at your Embassy in Manila?
Further information for you:
I look forward to hear from you ASAP.
Ture Sjolander

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 7:44 PM
Subject: You son in the Philippines

Dear Mr Sjölander,

We received your e-mail to the Ambassador of Australia.

I goes without saying that I cannot say if there are any risks for you to visit the Philippines. I suggest that you ask your lawyers here and in Sweden for advice on how to proceed further and try to set up a meeting with your son.

From our files, I cannot see that there is some kind of warrant of arrest for  "kidnapping" = olaga frihetsberövande. If  so, is Interpol in the picture?


Lars Andreasson